Is there free shipping?

Shipping offers vary by locations. Select your delivery region on the menu bar and the info will be displayed on the top announcement bar.

Do you delivery worldwide?

Yes, we deliver globally by air express. Once your item is picked up by the courier, you will be notified with a tracking code.

How long does it take?

The duration differs by locations and can take from 2 days up to 2 weeks. You will see the delivery options upon checkout.

What is the fee based on?

Airlines charge items per actual weight, or volume weight, whichever is heavier. Volume weight is a freight- specific measure on an item's volumetric kilogram to avoid transporting lightweight yet space-occupying items

Can I request an economy courier?

By default, your order is delivered through premium couriers for an efficient Customs clearance and trackable journeys. Or you may use consolidated shipping platforms which have receiving warehouses in our free delivery regions.

What if it's lost?

Rest assured that anytime before the package is sign-received by the delivery address, we will cover everything and re-send a new one on our account.